Halloween Dog Safety Tips

Dogs can have a challenging time during Halloween, here is some dog safety advice to keep your dog happy & healthy!
Keep candy on an elevated table.
Exercise the family dog more than average beginning two days before Halloween. This will help ensure your dog is calmer and less needy to go out for exercise Halloween night.
It’s best to leave your dog home inside instead of taking your dog trick or treating. Dogs maybe fine with most costumes. All It takes is one strange looking costume for a dog to become frightened and scared, this may cause your sweet kind dog to attack or bite a child dressed up in a costume.
Dogs have feelings and they know when they are being pointed and laughed at. Do not dress your dog up! This is emotionally damaging to a dog when people point and laughing at the dog.
Obviously do not allow your dog to eat chocolate Halloween chocolate candies are not as dangerous as real chocolate. None the less keep all candy away from your dog.
Safe guarding the front door and your dog accidentally escaping. Best to keep your dog away from the front door - Many children are afraid of dogs - dogs often run out of the house. A simple trick is to restrict your dog to another part of the house or have your dog tethered to you with the leash around your waist on umbilical.
Fireworks are the worst. Many dogs get frightened and have massive stress and anxiety. Play music and isolate the dog in quiet a room with music playing. Or go for an extended drive, or take your dog or dogs to an isolated location away from the boom, boom, boom.
Ding Dong, ding dong ding dong is annoying. Avoid such noise. Place a note, or cover the doorbell so kids don’t ring the doorbell.
About the Author
Written by Brad Pattison, Dog Behaviourist, Dog Trainer & Puppy Trainer
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